
香港創意教育 Creative Education in Hong Kong

香港創意教育 Creative Education in Hong Kong
25 Ways to Develop Creativity
(from "How to Develop Student Creativity" by Robert J. Sternberg and Wendy M. Williams
1. Modeling Creativity
2. Building Self-Efficacy
3. Questioning Assumptions
4. Defining and Redefining Problems
5. Encouraging Idea Generation
6. Cross-Fertilizing Ideas
7. Allowing Time for Creative Thinking
8. Instructing and Assessing Creativity
9. Rewarding Creative Ideas and Products
10. Encouraging Sensible Risks
11. Tolerating Ambiguity
12. Allowing Mistakes
13. Identifying and Surmounting Obstacles
14. Teaching Self-Responsibility
15. Promoting Self-Regulation
16. Delaying Gratification
17. Using Profiles of Creative People
18. Encouraging Creative Collaboration
19. Imagining Other Viewpoints
20. Recognizing Environmental Fit
21. Finding Excitement
22. Seeking Stimulating Environments
23. Playing to Strengths
24. Growing Creatively
25. Proselytizing for Creativity

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決賽, 勝第一局Deuce, 接著輸兩局, 其中一局1:11, 第四局先輸後追14:12勝, 決勝局先輸至3:7後追11:8勝
終於連過兩關, 獲取本年度市區男校長乒乓球冠軍 (5人參賽)

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